Monday, May 19, 2008

"Our First Accident...

Well, we knew it would happen sometime, but I never knew how hard it would be to watch your son scream in agony over a busted lip. Let me tell you, he did a "bang up" job, too.

We were at our impact group (small Bible study group) and he was having a ball - playing with toys, running to and from mommy (oh, by the way - he's walking now). He came running over to where I was sitting (which was on a fireplace seat/hearth) and he tripped and banged into the edge of the hearth - HARD!

My first reaction was "Oh my, his TEETH - those things that have kept him up into the wee hours of the night cutting - YEAH, HIS TEETH!" I picked him and at first thought nothing major had happened to the mouth - then...the BLOOD started to gush! (I will stop there with the goory details.) Anyway, we eventually got the bleeding stopped and we didn't have to go to the ER (THANK GOD) but boy...does he have a fat lip now! I guess this is just the beginning.